D'Catenary Schossblasmaschinn fir d'Botzen vun Metallschweissdeeler ze botzen gëtt getest


Den 2. Juni, am Puhua Heavy Industries Workshop, sinn d'Aarbechter beschäftegt e Catenaire ze montéierenSchoss Sprengmaschinn. Nodeems d'Assemblée fäerdeg ass, gëtt d'Testmaschinn an der Puhua Fabréck operéiert. D'Testmaschinn gëtt dem Client geschéckt nodeems d'Testmaschinn fäerdeg ass. Wueren. D'Testmaschinn virun der Liwwerung ass net nëmme verantwortlech fir de Client, awer och de Geescht vun der Puhua Schwéierindustrie Grupp berücksichtegt all Clienten.

Sheet metal Schoss Sprengmaschinn in trial run

It is understood that this catenary Schoss Sprengmaschinn equipment is customized for Russian customers and used for surface cleaning of sheet metal welded parts, which will lay the foundation for the next painting process. The sheet metal Schoss Sprengmaschinn is expected to arrive in Russia by sea. When asked why he chose the equipment of Puhua Heavy Industries among many Schoss SprengmaschinnFirmen, de Client huet geäntwert datt dem Puhua säi verständleche Virverkaf an After-Sales Service a kosteneffektive Produkter him ugezunn hunn. Nom perséinleche Besuch vun der Puhua Fabréck, Eng Bestellung gemaach an de Wonsch ausgedréckt fir eng laangfristeg Zesummenaarbecht.

Cleaning effect of sheet metal castings on catenary Schoss Sprengmaschinn

This sheet metal welded parts Schoss Sprengmaschinn can clean up to a maximum size of 1000mm*1500mm, 8 sets of Schoss Sprengmaschinns, and the maximum load capacity of the hook can reach 500kg. The Schoss Sprengmaschinn is a customized product, and various non-standard sizes can be customized according to the size requirements of customers' sheet metal parts.
The sheet metal Schoss Sprengmaschinn produced by Qingdao Puhua Heavy Industries Machinery is cost-effective. Many domestic and foreign customers come here. In order to return the trust of customers, Puhua Heavy Industries dare not slack in the slightest and focus on creating high-quality shot blasting equipment. , Concentrate on research and development, always put the satisfaction of customer needs before the company's interests, and strive to provide customers with high-quality products and considerate services.

Liest méi

Hanging chain Schoss Sprengmaschinn

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